
SungWon Kwak’s Homepage

(Last updated in Aug. 2023)

Hi, I am an astrophysicist working as a postdoc at the Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP) in Germany. I use numerical simulations as my main tool to understand the galaxy formation and evolution. My Ph.D. study was about the chemodynamical properties of the Galactic Halo and its formation scenario by comparing a large photometric/spectroscopic catalog of RR Lyrae variables and the AURIGA simulations. Before that, I worked on various projects related to dwarf galaxies in cluster environments and the formation of spiral, bar, and nuclear ring in disk galaxies.

You can download my CV here (pdf)

Like galaxy evolution, the way people pronounce my name has been evolving in many countries. You can simply think it is [Sing-Sang-‘Sung’+ Won]. Here’s what it actually sounds like (Link).

Short Bio

Before coming to Potsdam in Germany, I’ve been to many cities around the world. I was born in Daejeon, the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and my family moved to Seoul when I was 10. After finishing my middle school in Seoul, I went to USA alone to study abroad. I went to a high school in Las Vegas for a semester and then transferred to the Storm King high school in New York where I graduated from. I started my undergraduate as an engineering major, but later became more interested in the outer world, so ended up doing double major in astronomy and physics at the University of Washington, Seattle. After spending one semester in Geneva, Switzerland (St.Genis, France) as an internship student at CERN, I got M.S. in Astronomy at Seoul National Univeristy and spent 3 years for mandatory military service in Daejeon, Korea. My Ph.D. study in Astronomy and Astrophysics was carried at the University of Rome, Italy during the pandemic, and the dissertation was made in March 2023.

My GitHub

ORCID: 0000-0003-0957-6201

Google Scholar



Bar Formation and Buckling Instability (Kwak et al. 2017)

Faint spiral in dwarfs (Kwak et al. 2019) and Nuclear Ring (Seo et al. 2019)

(the Auriga Simulations)

My research interests are:

Publications [ADS list]